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EyeSDN® USB Call Recording Software - Datasheet
The EyeSDN USB call recording software includes two parts:
1. Part: Call Recording Service:
It is a Windows Service which is necessary for the recording and storage of data.
2. Part: Call Browser:
A Software solution that has been developed by innoventif Ltd. for the management of recorded calls.
1. Part - Call Recording Service
•   The EyeSDN USB device records all calls automatically as soon as the computer has started up.
•   If the computer connected to an EyeSDN USB device is part of a network remote access to
     the data is possible.
•   File name includes the data device, telephone numbers, date, time, service and duration.
•   The call recording software is running in the background.
•   Multiple devices can be connected to a single computer and are integrated into one software application.
•   It is possible to deactivate data recording (e.g. voice recording, protocol or CDR-data).
•   Phone calls can be stored in encrypted or uncrypted form.
•   The default setting for voice recording is A-Law Stereo, two-channel format.
•   That means 960KB/per minute and call disk space.
•   Call Recording data can be saved compressed in the formats MP3, GSM and Mono
    (disk space: 100KB per minute and call).
•   With the filter dialogue can be defined rules that decide which of the recorded calls are strored or not
    on the hard drive.
•   Telephone numbers, dates and/or time stampes are filter conditions.
•   There is an open interface for the software integration, e.g. call center software.
2. Part - Call Browser
Beside the above described software features you will get further features when the Call Browser has been installed:
•   The Microsoft programme ".NET" is required to run the Call Browser (included in software package).
•   Call Browser produces a clearly laid out list of the recorded data (call, protocol data and CDR).
•   You get a quick overview of the important information relevant to each call
    (in- and outgoing telephone number, time of call, duration of call).
•   The EyeSDN USB call recording software offers the ability to listen in to current calls.
•   The data of B and D channel (protocol recording) can be analysed with the open source software Ethereal
•   With protocol analysis can be tested and monitored ISDN lines.
•   Call detailed record data (CDR) such as internal and external telephone numbers, exact date
    and time as well duration of the call are stored.
•   The export and analysis of CDR data in Excel is possible.
•   Recorded data can be played black, archived and deleted with the user-friendly software.
•   The column contents can be sorted in ascending or descending order.
•   Finding data is simplified by powerful filtering and sorting functions.
•   Call recording software is available in German, English, Dutch, Greek and Spanish.