Ringing Tone Selection for Lines
How do I program each line to have a distinctive ring?
This feature allows you assign a specific tone (frequency) to each line key on your phone. Feature only available on digital phones (7200, 7400 or 7500 series) on digital systems.
Program 99 Press the CO Line key you wish to change
Press the same key again, enter the tone number (1 through 8)
You will hear the tone associated with the tone type number. For example, if you press 2, you will hear the tone associated with tone type 2. Press each number (1-8) until you hear the tone you desire.
The tone is now stored for that line on that phone only.
On later KX-TD digital systems (software version -4 or higher) you can also adjust the Ringing Tone for your INTERCOM key. Procedure is the same except press the INTERCOM key instead of a CO line key. |
No way for single line devices.